AR VR simulator is an automated device for users to experience virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) games in public places such as game halls, entertainment centers, squares, and shopping malls.
This VR arcade machines usually includes one or more stations, controllers (such as handles, gun controllers, etc.), head-mounted displays (such as VR headsets), and other auxiliary equipment, such as vibration feedback devices, audio, etc. The user wears the head-mounted display and picks up the controller, and by watching the virtual screen in the head-mounted display, performs operations with real actions, thereby experiencing virtual reality or augmented reality games.
AR VR arcade machines usually use high-quality 3D graphics and sound effects to bring users into a virtual game world through virtual reality or augmented reality technology, providing an immersive game experience. Users can interact with virtual enemies or targets in the game, and use the controller to perform operations such as, reloading, aiming, etc., to obtain game scores or complete tasks.
AR VR game arcade machine can be maintained and managed by operators, including device settings, game updates and maintenance, coin coin management, etc. Users pay by inserting coins or buying game currency. More information and more cheap AR VR arcade machines to buy can contact SKYFUN